A Hawaiian Birthday Celebration.
Aloha! What a fantastic weekend I had and I hope you guys had too. My sisters birthday party was this past Saturday and it was filled with fun,family and delicious food. If you can tell by the tittle it was Hawaiian themed. My two sisters and I did the decorations ourselves and we were beyond pleased by how it turned out. Be prepared because this post is heavily filled with pictures.
We started decorating on Thursday even though the party was on Saturday, we wanted to have everything ready and set and just worry about the food on Saturday. It's very refreshing and stress free to start decorating 2 days before so you won't have no worries on the actual birthday day.
Since it is Hawaiian theme we got many colorful balloons and decided to decorate every part of the house with the theme.
This was one of the best parts of the party, everyone had a blast taking pictures with this cutout. To make it look like we were in Hawaii we greeted everyone with leis on the door.
Here is the other table that was used for appetizers. If you look really close you can see that the vase with flowers is filled with candy. I think that's a cute idea.
The table with my moms cold salad that was a hit (it had shrimp yum!) and before the cakes was set.
A closer look at my mom's cold salad.
Lettuce,beat and tomato salad that my mother also made which was delicious may I say.
Tadah! Finally the cake and all the appetizers, just looking at these pictures make me feel so hungry and want all that food again.
Finally birthday girl! My sister turned 27 today (party was Saturday,actual birthday today). She was very pleased with the whole party and presents.
My sisters and I, i'm the youngest out of the 3 yet the tallest haha.
So many girls in my family. We all came out with red eyes I tried to fix it in Photoshop but nothing.
This is one of my favorite pictures it shows most of the girls in my family. From left to right my two cousins my sister and nephew my other sister/birthday girl, my niece and little cousin,my grandmother,myself and my two cousins.
Here is my mom posing by the tiki hut door looking very Hawaiian.
Since I forgot to take a picture with my leis I put daisies around my neck.
Another self taken picture, Let me say that the party ended at 2am and was awesome! we played many games and even won prices. I won the limbo game and the hula hoop game too. One of my cousins stayed over and we had a blast at my sisters,the next morning we went to the pool and had a barbecue chicken and burgers that my brother in law made it was delicious. I hope everyone has a fabulous day and had a wonderful weekend.