Mommy Scenario Tag!


Hello my lovelies. As you can see I recently did a mommy scenario tag. I really enjoy doing tags because I feel like everyone gets to know a little piece of me every time I do a tag. Hope you enjoy and if you want to also do the tag i'll post the questions down below.

Mommy Scenario Questions

1. Your kid is refusing to eat dinner, do you stand your ground and demand they eat what you made? Or make something else?

2. Your kid has a melt-down at the store, nothing is working to calm them. Do you leave & come back another time, or grit your teeth and finish shopping?

3. Your kid gets too many toys for their birthday, do you make some returns or save them for a rainy day?
4. Your kid is protesting sleep, do you give in at 3am, get them up & turn on a movie? Or continue to rock them, nurse, etc to try to get them back to sleep?

5. You have an appointment and no babysitter- do you bring them with you or reschedule?

6. You have 20 minutes until unexpected company arrives. Do you rush to clean up your messy house, or just figure- "hey, it's okay. I've got kids!"

7. You're running late & only have time to do your hair or makeup- which do you choose?

8. You're at the park and another child pushes yours, do you intervene and correct them- or go find the child's parent?


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